Censorship is real. It's taking different forms, but it's doing even worse things. And I see it in places that I want you to see it as well.
I'm Chris Cuomo. Welcome to the Chris Cuomo project and we are dealing with something that matters to all of us in ways that we're not.
I apologize in advance that this video isn't going to get to everyone who needs to see it, and for the wrong reasons. This is about being a free agent, an independent, and a critical thinker. How can you do that if you have platforms making decisions for you about what they think you should see and hear?
That's problematic in the main. Now look. All platforms, ABC News, CNN, New York Times, No B.S. News, Joe Rogan, or anyone you want, anyone that you want to put as a media platform, they're all making subjective judgments. They can tell you as many times as they want. As I do. Hey, I'm not here to censor. I'm here to give you a chance to figure it out, but I'm still deciding what to talk to you about and what questions to ask and what answers to use and how to edit certain things.
We don't do a lot of editing here at all. But you get the point. So there's subjectivity. There's a choice structure. There's editorial discretion pretty much everywhere. Okay, so that's part of the reality and caveat emptor. All right, buyer beware and you pick it on the basis of where you get the best outcome now.
There's another issue, okay, and there are two more issues. Now, first, I'm going to deal with one that doesn't get enough attention, but is a little bit of an aha, a little bit of an eyebrow popper. The increasing crackdown on what is okay. Okay, it's not just about politics, and it's not just about people wanting to censor Trump things.
These are people who are using a macro reality, a widespread reality, as if they're the only victims of it, to benefit themselves. Because there's a very appealing thing in our society, which is, they don't want you to know this, so it must be powerful. Sometimes, they don't want you to know because it's not true.
Sometimes, they don't want you to know because it's mean and feeding hate. Sometimes they don't want you to know because they think it's bad for business. And sometimes they don't want you to know because they don't like the person. But they just use, opportunists will just use that last one. They don't like Trump, so dot dot dot.
Please. Trump's not special. There are a lot of people being censored. And there are two big problems here. One gets no attention. And here's, here's it. Now, Greg and I were just talking about this. And so to him, it's going to seem like I'm doing this off the top of my head, but I've actually been thinking about this a lot because Michael Schellenberger, who comes on the Chris Cuomo project, comes on my show at News Nation, has his own platform.
He's got a great Substack that you should check out. He talks about censorship being real a lot. And he looks at it in terms of the government keeping different social media platforms from putting certain information out about Biden or something. Now, I've said this before and I'm going to say it again.